© Arthur Pnkers 2014 |
Plant Name: Catasetum Melana Davison ‘Sunset Valley Orchids’ AM/AOS 85 pts.
(Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
8.2 cm |
Vertical: |
6.4 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
4.2 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.3 cm |
Length: |
3.7 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.2 cm |
Length: |
4.5 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
3.6 cm |
Description: Twenty-two flowers of exceptional form and four buds on one pendulous inflorescence; sepals white heavily stippled maroon, symmetrically inrolled; petals white stippled maroon; lip saccate, white margin denticulate, callus yellow; column white, stippled maroon; substance firm; texture matte, lip waxy.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke |

© Arthur Pinkers 2014 |
Plant Name: Cattleya cernua ‘Diamond Orchids’ HCC/AOS 77 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
2.0 cm |
Vertical: |
2.0 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
0.9 cm |
Length: |
1.2 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.2 cm |
Length: |
1.1 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
0.9 cm |
Length: |
1.2 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
0.6 cm |
Length: |
0.9 cm |
Description: Thirty-one well proportioned flowers and nine buds on ten inflorescences; sepals and petals soft orange-red; lip yellow proximally transitioning to orange distally; column white, wings purple; substance firm; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Peter T. Lin |

© Arthur Pnkers 2014 |
Plant Name: Catasetum callosum ‘SVO Black Lip’ AM/AOS 81 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
8.0 cm |
Vertical: |
7.5 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.2 cm |
Length: |
5.0 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
0.6 cm |
Length: |
4.3 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
4.8 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
1.2 cm |
Length: |
4.5 cm |
Description: Thirty-two flowers of symmetric form and dark color, eight buds on three arching pendulous inflorescences; sepals and petals chestnut-brown veined darker; lip chartreuse, heavily stippled and overlaid dark brown, callus dark brown; column chestnut-brown, cream ventrally; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke |